All-Natural, 100% Pure Phosphatidylcholine (PPC)
PhosChol® is the only soy-based source of pure PPC (also known as polyenylphosphatidylcholine) on the market. PhosChol® contains no other phospholipids to compete for absorption, and as a nutritional supplement, supplies more than seven times more phosphatidylcholine (PC) than competing products.
Every cell in the body requires adequate amounts of PC for normal membrane composition and repair. Scientific research indicates that PC levels are particularly important in the brain’s nerve cells. Many scientists also believe that PC plays a role in regulating digestion as well as cardiovascular and liver functions.
ALC makes PhosChol® available to manufacturers and wholesalers who market PPC under their own brand names, or provide retailers with softgel or liquid dietary supplements under the PhosChol® brand.
Contact us to learn more about options that work best for your business.
How PPC Benefits Cell Function
PPC is rich in essential fatty acids and has a fluidizing effect on cellular membranes. By increasing fluidity, membrane breakdown is decreased.
The breakdown of cellular membranes and impairment of cellular membrane repair mechanisms is associated with liver diseases, cancer, neurological diseases, and cell death.
Studies indicate that PPC increases hepatic collagenase activity and may help prevent fibrosis and cirrhosis by encouraging collagen breakdown.
Health benefits cited in scientific literature include:
- High efficacy in liver regeneration
- Cholesterol-lowering effect

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