Personal Care and Pharmaceuticals
Solutions for the Personal Care and Pharmaceuticals Industries
American Lecithin Company is a member of the Lipoid Group of companies. Lipoid is a world leader in the manufacture of lecithin and phospholipids for cosmetics and dietetics as well as lecithin fractions and phospholipids for the pharmaceutical industry.
To learn more about them, visit the personal care and pharmaceuticals pages on the Lipoid global website.

This domain (www.AmericanLecithin.US) is the only LEGAL domain for American Lecithin Company

115 Hurley Road, Unit 2B
Oxford, CT 06478
Phone: 203.262.7100
Fax: 203.262.7101
Toll-Free: 1.800.364.4416
This domain (www.AmericanLecithin.US) is the only LEGAL domain for American Lecithin Company